K3s on Raspberry Pi 4

Goal: Set up a minimal Kubernetes cluster on Rapberry Pi 4. I ordered a new Raspberry Pi 4 a couple of days ago. I already use one at work for automated testing and I think it’s pretty cool, but I actually wasn’t sure what I wanted it for. After giving it a thought, I decided to install Rancher’s K3S distribution on it, turning it to a convenient, low-power-consumption, single-node K8s distribution I can use as a playground.
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Self-hosted cozy on K8s

Goal: Deploy cozy on my homemade kubernetes cluster The K8s homemade cluster on baremetal was meant to be just an exercise and not a permanent setup. Still, I needed to find something to deploy on it :) I decided to try out Cozy Cloud deploying software and dependencies as containers in my K8s cluster. Cozy is a personal, free and self-hostable cloud platform, written in Go. Milestones Pre-requisites: make sure the infrastructure is ready Cozy Software: installation, dependencies and configuration Docker Images: which one are available and which new ones we need K8s Configuration: write manifests for deployment in the cluster Cozy instance: create a new cozy instance and test it 1.
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