/e self-hosting and /e OS on LG G3

Goal: Rely on the /e platform for private cloud self-hosting and as android operating system /e is a mobile ecosystem that: is open source is presented as an environment which values privacy is un-googled but still compatible with android apps The /e/ ROM is a fork of Android (more precisely from LineageOS). The /e/ cloud includes several applications and it’s built upon NextCloud, Postfix, Dovecot and OnlyOffice. It’s been integrated to offer a single login identity in /e/OS as well as online, where users can retrieve their data from the ecloud global services.
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Debian on Radxa Rock Square

Radxa Rock 2 Square is a Rockchip RK3288 based solution. Available images The available images run with: A modified version of u-boot The Rabian operating system (which is based on Debian 8) A custom radxa kernel. The goal is to get a pure Debian distribution up and running on the board: Debian u-boot Debian armhf linux-image kernel Pure Debian root file system For this small project, we have two Radxa Rock 2 Square boards:
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